Send Free SmS Worldwide - JaxtrSMS

Send free sms worldwide using JaxtrSMS, download this free app on your free and start sending free sms worldwide.

  JaxtrSMS lets you send FREE SMS and txt messages to any mobile phone in the world. Best of all, the receiver does not have to have the JaxtrSMS app. International and local SMS/texting can be expensive but with JaxtrSMS you can text anyone in the world for FREE! All you need to do is download JaxtrSMS and start sending messages. JaxtrSMS links directly to your address book so you can send messages to anyone whether they have JaxtrSMS or not. There is no limit to the number of messages you can send. Features: -FREE SMS/texting to any mobile number in the world -Automatically integrated with your address book -Works with WiFi and network coverage -If the receiver doesn't have JaxtrSMS, messages appear as a normal SMS/text message in their inbox -If the receiver does have JaxtrSMS, messages appear as a threaded conversation with special notification.  

Click here to download the app for your mobile.


  1. @simplecall u can use fring it is avalable for all types of phn nokia , android, iphone. you just need internet and gmail account.


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