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Speed up your slow broadband internet
1 Identify what speed you are supposed to be provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) . This is important, because your slow connection could be due to a problem on their end, not yours. This should be on your bill. If you don't have a bill handy, you can check the ISP's website or contact them directly to find out. 2 Conduct a speed test online . This should get you results close to what your ISP is supposed to provide. If you get a low result, try another computer on your network first. If both get a low result, contact your ISP. If only yours has a problem, the problem lies with the computer. 3 Eliminate needless programs . Your Internet connection requires memory to be able to be at the speed your are paying for. If your computer is bogged down by programs you don't need, your connection will go slower. Close programs you aren't using. 4 Do a virus and spyware scan . Viruses and spyware also use up memory which can contribute to a connection appe...
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